Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 36

May 30th

Today I woke up at 7, tired and sore from all that walking yesterday! I lounged in my bed all morning and did some online reading and facebooking and made use of some of the food I bought yesterday. Then I got up to rollerblade at 10:30 and went down the canal. The Ottawa marathon was happening there and I saw the 30km mark. I rollerbladed just a bit farther than we ran when we were on leave and I saw that the canal opened into a small lake and then flowed through a damn that created rapids on the other side. It was so pretty! Since I was on my rollerblades I could not go down to see much and at this point I was kicking myself for not bringing my camera.So I went back and had lunch with Alexi lol. We took off for downtown and spent some time shopping in the Rideau Center and I bought a tank top. Then I left Alexi and met up with Stevenson to go to the Civilization Museum which is in Gatineau (province of Quebec). Really we just had to cross a bridge to get there lol. The museum was interesting but I found the layout a bit confusing and they didn't give us a map when we paid. The whole first floor was First Nation people and pretty much covered all of Canada. The second floor had the development of the post office and a children's museum! The third floor had the printing press, beginings of railways, cars, ships, shops (with euphoniums!), churches, pubs, hospitals, apothecary, fishing industry, vikings... Anywho, we stayed till 5:30 then booked it back to Carleton for supper. we made it just in time and I have to say that my favorite item has become the grilled sandwhiches. Then I lounged around all evening and chatted with people, ironed shirts and went to bed. ttfn

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