Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 53

June 16th

This morning we went for a long run. I think i need to give up with the running. It's just never going to get challenging for me, oh well. Then after a regular inspection we were to report to the band room at 9am. This was break #1. I got sent to the library with some ppl to do music paperwork. Then there was a short rehearsal followed by 11:30 dismissal. I ate lunch in my room and took a much needed nap. When I reported to the band room for the regular after lunch time, I was told to come back at 3pm. Back to my room...basically I got paid to spend the day napping! At 3pm I was put back into the library for an hour. B Band had a combined O group meeting and was dismissed right away! I took off for the pool so I could wake up and get out of the groggy state that all the afternoon napping had put me into. Then Alexi and I went to bulk barn and I stocked up on my growing food supply. OH, good news about my parade boots...they are actually polishing on the sides and up into some of the cracks now!!! I have no idea why it magically worked tonight because I don't think I did anything different than before? After that, Amy and I realized that we both like hymns and had a bit of a nerd moment. Seriously, I thought I was like one of the few young ppl who likes hymns. In my efforts to go to bed before midnight, I will cut the blog short for today!

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